We are currently recruiting for the following studies:
Stress, parenting, and child self-regulation in Latino families
Dynamic parent-child emotion study
Seeking caregivers of children between 2 and 5 years old to participate in our research on daily parent-child emotional exchanges!
What is our goal? To understand how caregiver emotion influences socioemotional development in preschool, and how this process unfolds over the course of daily caregiver-child interactions.
What will it entail?
- 5-minute surveys, 3x per day, for 7 days. Surveys will be texted and completed on your phone.
- Opportunities to participate in future extensions of this study with individualized parenting and child development feedback
Do I qualify?
- Are you the primary caregiver (i.e., adult who spends 50% or more time with your child) of a child between 2 and 5 years?
- Are you willing to answer short emotion check-in surveys by text for 7 days?
- Do you want to be entered into a lottery to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card
How do I sign up?
Click this link: https://forms.gle/wotyWEUjXtwBbXTFA
Email Maggie Cox: mcox3@uoregon.edu